
Раскол имя существительное:
раскол (split, schism, cleavage, break, secession, dissent)
расщепление (split, splitting, cleavage, fission, disintegration)
расщепленность (split)
трещина (crack, fracture, fissure, rift, cranny, break)
разрыв (gap, break, rupture, breaking, tear, discontinuity)
шпагат (twine, split, packthread)
раскалывание (splitting, cleavage, cracking, split, fission)
щель (Gap, slot, slit, crack, crevice, cleft)
расщелина (cleft, crevice, crack, fissure, chimney, opening)
прорезь (slot, slit, recess, split, slash, mortise)
сладкое блюдо (split)
щепка (sliver, chip, splinter, split)
лучина (splinter, chip, spill, sliver, slip, split)
слоеное изделие (split)
доля в добыче (split)
полбутылки (split)
имя прилагательное:
расколотый (split, riven, cloven, cleft, fatiscent)
расщепленный (split, cleft, bifid, cloven, riven)
раздробленный (crushed, split, atomistic, comminuted, reduced)
разделенный пополам (split)
расщеплять (split, fission, crack, disintegrate, splinter, split asunder)
расщепляться (split, fission, disintegrate, splinter, split asunder, sliver)
разбивать (break, divide, split, smash, break up, shatter)
раскалывать (split, crack, split up, clove, cleave, splinter)
раскалываться (split, crack, split up, clove, cleave, splinter)
расщепить (split, splinter)
распределять (distribute, allocate, share, divide, dispense, apportion)
рассекать (dissect, cut, split, cleave, plow, swish)
поссорить (quarrel, split)
расслаивать (laminate, split)
расслаиваться (flake, stratify, exfoliate, laminate, split, flake away)
трескаться (crack, split, Pop, chap, flaw, spring)
сечься (split)
делить на части (split, slice, intersect, parcel, dissever, portion)
сбежать (elope, run down, bolt, go off, whip out, split)
уходить (go, leave, go away, walk away, get out, go off)
убраться (split)
разбавлять (dilute, water down, water, stretch, qualify, dash)
делиться с кем-л. (split)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "Split" в других словарях:

  • Split — Split …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • split — 1 vb split, split·ting: to divide into parts or portions: as a: to divide into factions, parties, or groups b: to mark (a ballot) or cast or register (a vote) so as to vote for candidates of different parties c: to divide (stock) by issuing a… …   Law dictionary

  • SPLIT — (also Spliet; It. Spalato; in Jewish sources אישפלטרא), Adriatic port in Croatia. A Jewish community with a cemetery existed in nearby Salona (now Solin) in the third century C.E. When Salona was destroyed by the Avars in 641, the Jews seem to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • split — (v.) 1580s, from M.Du. splitten, from P.Gmc. *spl(e)it (Cf. Dan., Fris. splitte, O.Fris. splita, Ger. spleißen to split ), from PIE * (s)plei to split, splice (see FLINT (Cf. flint)). Meaning leave, depart first recorded 1954, U.S. slang. Of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Split — (spl[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Split} ({Splitted}, R.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splitting}.] [Probably of Scand. or Low German origin; cf. Dan. splitte, LG. splitten, OD. splitten, spletten, D. splijten, G. spleissen, MHG. spl[=i]zen. Cf. {Splice},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — (spl[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Split} ({Splitted}, R.); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splitting}.] [Probably of Scand. or Low German origin; cf. Dan. splitte, LG. splitten, OD. splitten, spletten, D. splijten, G. spleissen, MHG. spl[=i]zen. Cf. {Splice},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — Split, n. 1. A crack, rent, or longitudinal fissure. [1913 Webster] 2. A breach or separation, as in a political party; a division. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 3. A piece that is split off, or made thin, by splitting; a splinter; a fragment. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — Split, a. 1. Divided; cleft. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Divided deeply; cleft. [1913 Webster] 3. (Exchanges) (a) Divided so as to be done or executed part at one time or price and part at another time or price; said of an order, sale, etc. (b) Of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Split — /split/, n. a seaport in S Croatia, on the Adriatic: Roman ruins. 180,571. Italian, Spalato. * * * ancient Spalatum Seaport (pop., 2001: 188,694), Dalmatia, Croatia. The Romans established the colony of Salonae nearby in 78 BC, and the emperor… …   Universalium

  • split — ► VERB (splitting; past and past part. split) 1) break forcibly into parts. 2) divide into parts or groups. 3) (often split up) end a marriage or other relationship. 4) (be splitting) informal (of one s head) suffering great pain from a he …   English terms dictionary

  • split — [split] vt. split, splitting [MDu splitten, akin to MHG splīzen < IE base * (s)plei , to split, crack > FLINT] 1. to separate, cut, or divide into two or more parts; cause to separate along the grain or length; break into layers 2. to break …   English World dictionary

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